My first interview that I will be conducting tomorrow (April 5th) will be with a licensed pharmacist.  I will be asking him a series of questions that mostly relate to various supplements that affect the GFCF diet.

20 questions
1.Do you believe that a gluten and casein free diet shows a difference in an autistic child?
2. What are some the beneficial symptoms of this diet?
3. Can this diet be appropriate for other children with disabilities, such as aspergers, Down syndrome, and mental retardation?
4. Are there any negative effects of not having gluten and casein in a diet?
5. What is this diet shown to do? Control the child’s disorder or behavior?

6. Can you give any examples of a food that contains gluten in it?
7. Can you give any examples of a food that contain casein in it?
8. Do you think it is important for children to eat organic foods as well?
9. Do you think the foods we eat have anything to do with the reason for so many of today’s children being born with autism spectrum disorders?
10. Is gluten and casein often hidden in foods? Do food products put it on the food label?
11. For anyone, can gluten and casein be harmful if it is eaten in large quantities?

12. Is there any type of medication (over the counter or prescribed) that is shown to benefit children with autism?
13. Are there any pharmaceutical drugs that are gluten free and casein free?
14. Do children lack any vitamins or supplements by not having gluten and casein in their diet?
15. What type of vitamin supplements should every child have?

16. What is casomorphin?
17. Do older children or adults respond to this diet?
18. Is this type of diet costly?
19. Should parents be concerned about the calcium deficiency if they remove dairy products?
20. Are there any types of GFCF supplements that children with autism can take? If so, what are the names of the supplements?

Stay tuned for the results of the interview...